Project Overview

Project Name: Developing a marketplace for landscaping and lawn maintaining services
Partner: AP Landscaping
Category: App Development
Description: AP Landscaping is a professional landscaping company situated in the USA, that is looking to expand and digitize its operations. To do so, it would require a platform that can connect clients seeking lawn services with providers offering landscaping services. Hence, the primary goal of this project is to develop a user-friendly mobile application with features such as registration, payment integration, a chat interface, integration with maps, AI-based image processing, etc.

Current Status

Although the client base exists, a stable, user-friendly application is yet to be designed, implemented, and tested.

Skills Learned

  1. Flutter Development
  2. Database Management
  3. Mobile-Database Handling
  4. SQL

Qualifications Required (Design)

  1. Year of Study: 2nd year and above
  2. Android development experience, preferrably Flutter
  3. SQL, preferrably MySQL 
  4. Prototyping, testing and debugging

Work Description

Roles: 2 Developers

Duration: 3 months, starting in December

Stipend: Paid (Join the ProSpace community for details) 


  1. Develop a Flutter application for managing lawn services
  2. Integrate a central database system to store profiles and manage orders 
  3. Integrate a chat interface and provde utility features like calendars, payment handling, maps and user ratings
  4. Handle bug fixes, updates and incorporate user feedbacks within the project duration

How to Apply?

Submission Link: Form

Deadline: 11:59 PM, 10th December, 2023

To enroll for the project, you must fill out the form above.

For further credit, you can attempt and submit the assignment below to the best of your abilities, taking the help of any tools online. We will contact you personally if you are shortlisted for the interview.

(Optional) Assignment: 

Your task is to develop a Flutter application for buyers and sellers that contains the following features:

  • Registration: create profiles for sellers (name, contact, image, balance) and buyers (name, email, balance) with authentication
  • Pricing: sellers should be able to generate and sell items for a price on their home page
  • Market Place: a page for buyers to view and purchase from all available items; once purchased, remove the item from display
  • Home Page: for the buyer: display all purchased items and current balance; for the seller: display all items sold and current balance
  • Database: utilize a MySQL database for user profiles, token data, and transactions and manage realtime updates



Contact Us

For any general queries, join the ProSpace WhatsApp group-

For assignment queries, contact:


Phone: 9324865787


Join the Marketplace for Landscaping Services project!


Recruitment for the marketplace app project is now open! Join the project and gain valuable skills in full-stack Flutter development. Submit your application by 10th December EOD to be eligible for the project.
