Project Overview

Project Name: Pavement Condition Index (PCI): Automation for Road Development

Partner: Government of Maharashtra, Project UMA (

Sectors: Transportation

Category: Data Analytics, Software Development

Current Team:

  • Professor-in-charge: Milind Sohoni
  • Project Team: Project UMA Leads (Gopal, Chirag)

Description: There exists no systematic way to centrally organize road development in Maharashtra, and much of India. This project aims to contribute to change this by automating the assessment of road pavement conditions. This will be achieved by collecting data from various in-buillt smartphone sensors such as accelerometers and GPS, as well as textual inputs like pothole counts, to compute the Pavement Condition Index (PCI). The PCI will serve as a key parameter to inform budget allocation and road quality improvement strategies. The project involves the development of a mobile app for data collection, the creation of a central database for storage and analysis, and the formulation of a data model to relate raw sensor data to the PCI.


Current Status

Preliminary field work has been done, and the current status of the government is well-understood. The next steps are development, data collection drives and building the data analysis module.

Skills Learned

  1. Data collection using sensors
  2. Database management
  3. Data analysis and modeling
  4. Infrastructure planning
  5. App development
  6. Field work

Qualifications Required

Year of study: 2nd year and above

Qualifications Required: Experience in android app development (Kotlin) is appreciated. Interest in fields such as data analysis and modelling, as well as the domain of transportation and infrastructure, is required.

Work Description

Roles: 2 Android developers-cum-analysts

Stipend: Paid project (join community for more details)

Project Duration: 2 months (first phase)


  1. Develop an Android application that can collect data from various sensors (accelerometers, GPS) and capture textual inputs (e.g., pothole counts) efficiently for PCI calculation, record data, and send it to a central database
  2. Integrate a central database system to store PCI data from the Android app statewide 
  3. Create a web dashboard to retrieve data from the database and present analytics on road conditions
  4. Implement data modeling techniques to create an ideal function for predicting PCI based on raw data, enhancing road condition assessments.

How to Apply?

Submission link:

Deadline: 11:59 PM, 22nd October, 2023

To enroll for the project, you must fill the form above. For further credit, you can attempt and submit the assignment below to the best of your abilities, taking aid of any tools online. We will contact you personally if you are shortlisted for the interview.

(Optional) Assignment: A simple app that uses sensor information

Task 1: User Interface and GPS Integration

  1. Create a new Android activity called "LocationActivity"
  2. Design a user interface with the following components
    • A map view to display the user's current location
    • A button labeled "Get Location"
  3. Implement functionality so that when the "Get Location" button is pressed, the app retrieves the user's current GPS location and displays it on the map

Task 2: Accelerometer Integration

  1. Create a new Android activity called "AccelerometerActivity"
  2. Implement code to access the accelerometer sensor data using the SensorManager
  3. Calculate and display the real-time acceleration values (e.g., X, Y, Z-axis values) on the screen as the user moves the device (This task requires a 10 second long video submission)

Task 3: Testing

Prepare a testing report that examines 2-3 selected roads and 2-3 vehicles. This report should include a comparative analysis and provide recommendations for their usage

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Create a GitHub repository to host your code
  2. Provide clear and concise documentation on how to run your code
  3. Use this submission link 


  1. Official google documentation for creating a kotlin application - Kotlin
  2. Official google documentation for accelerometer
  3. Sample github project for accelerometer
  4. Official google docs for location data
  5. Sample app for current location

Contact Us

For any general queries, join the ProSpace WhatsApp group-

For assignment queries, contact:


Contact: 9324865787, 9987361968


Recruitment for Automation for Road Development: Now Open


Recruitment for the Automating Road Development project is now open! Join the project and gain valuable skills in Kotlin, SQL, data analysis and more. Register by 22nd October EOD to be eligible for the project.
