Project Overview

Project name: Optimising MSRTC Operations through Network Modeling and Social Metrics

Partner: Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC)

Sectors: Public Transport, Optimization, Social Value Accounting

Category: Computer Science

Current Team:

    - Professor-in-charge: Milind Sohoni

    - Senior IT expert: Rahul

    - Team: Rijyuta, Ashutosh, Satyam

Description: The MSRTC, a pivotal element of Maharashtra's transport infrastructure, operates as the primary regional public bus system. Nevertheless, the corporation confronts various hurdles in terms of effective decision-making and operational efficiency. These include determining optimal routes to enhance coverage and efficiency, allocating buses to routes on a daily basis, and more.

In simple words, the organization incurs losses amounting to hundreds of crores every year, which affects its service delivery and causes hardship to a significant section of people. However, we are confident that by implementing a range of measures, including the development of an IT stack, social and financial value accounting, and strategic optimizations, we can considerably enhance the MSRTC's operations. An MoU between IITB and MSRTC has already been established.

The foundation of the proposed IT stack is the network layer, which is a directed graph consisting of nodes and edges that represent the road network. This layer includes essential attributes on both nodes and edges, forming the basis for the development of a geospatial computation framework. To aid decision-making at select depots, we plan to create and deploy software tools. Furthermore, we will establish a methodology for social value accounting and implement it in specific depots.

Current Status

Since 2017, our team has been studying the operational procedures at the depot level. This work was also carried out by several students as part of their master's thesis. To support these efforts, an MoU was signed between IIT Bombay and MSRTC, and additional information can be found at

Skills Learned


  1. PostgreSQL
  2. PostGIS
  3. QGIS


  1. Analysis of public transport operations
  2. Optimization 
  3. Network Layer Modeling
  4. Converting real life problems into mathematical framework
  5. Designing and conducting field survey
  6. Relationship management - etiquette, reporting and documentation, meetings etc.

Qualifications Required

Year of Study: Second year and above (at least four semesters completed)

Courses Taken: CS 213 (Preferred but not mandatory)


  1. Experience with SQL and GIS would be appreciated, but is not required
  2. Willingness to go for field visits across Maharashtra
  3. Intermediate-level python knowledge is preferred

Work Description

Roles required: 2 GIS Algorithm Development & Deployment Positions

Stipend: Paid project (join community for more details)

Project description: 6 months (minimum), registration for BTP and/or R&D project is recommended. The student must be on campus while working on the project. Room retention can be arranged.


  1. Porting depot level operational dataset on Network Layer
  2. Converting the depot level bus schedules in GTFS data format
  3. Data analysis of inter-depot trips
  4. Identification of use cases in depot level operations
  5. Creating decision making tools for depot managers
  6. Integration of sectoral knowledge (public transport) into the development of algorithmic stack
  7. Passenger-side surveys to understand social value generated by MSRTC

Individual roles may be a mix of the above.

Enrolling: Assignment

To enrol for the project, you must complete the assignment below to the best of your abilities. You are free to use any tools online to aid you, and can always reach out to us in case of any queries. Follow the submission instructions below, and submit the drive link of your zip file. We will contact you personally if you are shortlisted for the interview.

Assignment Deadline: 11:59 pm, 8th May, 2023

Link to form 4 data (will be necessary for the problems below):

Problem 1: Getting familiar with QGIS

  • For this problem, you are required to install and understand the basics of QGIS. This includes working with layers, plotting geospatial data and performing data analysis
  • Use this link for downloading the census data. Your task is to plot the population density for any one district of your choice. Use your discretion for selecting the necessary columns which would be required for the same. 
  • The submission format for this problem must be a ‘.gz’ file.

Problem 2: Working with PostgreSQL

  • For this problem, you are required to install and set up postgresql. You will be provided with the form4 data, using which you need to perform the following queries: 
  • The distance covered by each service 
  • Given a location, list the services within a distance of 50 km. You can choose any location of your choice
  • Generate a list of the 5 most used road segments
  • The submission format for this problem should be a docx file with the sql query and an image of the response received for each query.

Problem 3: Network layer algorithm

This problem requires you to submit your approach (with a pseudocode) for the following problem statement. 

  • Suppose that along with the form4 data provided in the previous problem, you also have the information about the number of passengers for all the services spanning across a month's time. Your task is to create an optimal schedule of buses so that the number of buses required to accomplish all the journeys in minimum
  • Additionally, suppose that there are two types of buses having a capacity of 30 and 40 respectively. In an optimal schedule, report the minimum number of buses required for each type. Update your pseudocode for this problem. 
  • You may use this for reference
  • Submit a docx/pdf file with the pseudocode and explain your solution for both parts 

Format of submission: Adhere to the submission format mentioned for each problem. You must submit a single zip file containing the solutions for all the problems. Submission link-

Contact Information

For any general queries, join the ProSpace WhatsApp group-


Phone: 9324865787


Join the Efforts to Optimise MSRTC Operations


Are you ready for an exciting industry project experience? Join Professor Milind Sohoni and optimize the operations of the Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC). Gain valuable skills in public transport operations analysis, optimization, network layer modeling, field survey design, and relationship management. Complete the assignment before 8th May to be part of our team.


Milind Sohoni

Deadline extended to 9th May, 11:59 PM!